How to stay safe online

Stay Safe Online


Cyber bullying is very bad and very mean. You can stop this by reporting the person doing this, or you can tell a friend a guardian,parent or even a teacher to stop this from happening.

Cyber bullying is very bad and very mean. You can stop this by reporting the person doing this, or you can tell a friend a guardian,parent or even a teacher to stop this from happening.

Dont give your password out to anyone one because they could go onto your profile and change stuff around and they could hack your account.

Dont talk to strangers because they could be older than you and be mean to you. Also they could swear and be rude.To stop that you can press the report button or tell your parents so they can stop it.

Dont post pictures that you dont want other people and your parents to see because you could get bullied at school or even online!

Dont post pictures that you dont want other people and your parents to see because you could get bullied at school or even online!

Dont tell random people your real name or your last name because you could get bullied.

Cyber Bullying can be hurtful and very sad to you because it could be people being very mean to you. If that happens just report it or go tell a parent  or a teacher and they can help you out.

Cyber Bullying can be hurtful and very sad to you because it could be people being very mean to you. If that happens just report it or go tell a parent or a teacher and they can help you out.

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