How to stay safe on your device

Stay Safe on Your Device


On your device create a strong password using letters and numbers. Make sure you use capital letters as it makes it harder for a hacker to figure your password out. Example: 0rc4Whl3.

On your device create a strong password using letters and numbers. Make sure you use capital letters as it makes it harder for a hacker to figure your password out. Example: 0rc4Whl3.

Sometimes you may get emails from strangers around the globe. Never accept there pictures or friend requests as they could be rude and try to lure your information in.

Sometimes you may get emails from strangers around the globe. Never accept there pictures or friend requests as they could be rude and try to lure your information in.

To prevent yourself from being hacked you have to cover your webcam and keep up to date on your device and update as soon as possible as it could give you a stronger browser and stop you being hacked.

To prevent yourself from being hacked you have to cover your webcam and keep up to date on your device and update as soon as possible as it could give you a stronger browser and stop you being hacked.

If you are being cyberbullied online or know someone who is tell someone as it will always get worse and if you keep quiet no one can do anything to help you.

If you are being cyberbullied online or know someone who is tell someone as it will always get worse and if you keep quiet no one can do anything to help you.

Phishing is where somebody (most likely a stranger) will try to reel in your personal information. To prevent this don't post personal information online.

Phishing is where somebody (most likely a stranger) will try to reel in your personal information. To prevent this don't post personal information online.

To prevent strangers from seeing your facebook, snapchat (ect) pictures and posts you can set the app to friends only.

To prevent strangers from seeing your facebook, snapchat (ect) pictures and posts you can set the app to friends only.

The creator of this guide has not included tools