How to stay safe on instagram

Stay Safe on Instagram


Instagram is something many people use to text friends or post pictures.

Instagram is something many people use to text friends or post pictures.

But Instagram isn't always safe. So here are some tips on how to stay safe while using Instagram.

But Instagram isn't always safe. So here are some tips on how to stay safe while using Instagram.

Never reply to people you don't know or don't recognize.

Never reply to people you don't know or don't recognize.

Remove any followers you don't know.

Remove any followers you don't know.

Block any cyberbullies or people you don't want contact with.

Block any cyberbullies or people you don't want contact with.

Report anyone that has been horrible or racist [or anything else] to you on Instagram.

Report anyone that has been horrible or racist [or anything else] to you on Instagram.

And finally, make your profile private. It will save you from any unwanted followers or messages.

And finally, make your profile private. It will save you from any unwanted followers or messages.

The creator of this guide has not included tools