How to stay safe on instagram

Stay Safe on Instagram


Download the app.   #GO TO THE APP STORE

Download the app. #GO TO THE APP STORE

 Click on the app and make an account but make the password strong.Also make sure you remember it.

Click on the app and make an account but make the password strong.Also make sure you remember it.

Click settings and put your account on private.Just so that no one can follow you apart from the people who you accept.

Click settings and put your account on private.Just so that no one can follow you apart from the people who you accept.

Always check your settings just encase Instagram does an update.

Always check your settings just encase Instagram does an update.

Do not do this because you don't know who they are.Only follow people who you know.

Do not do this because you don't know who they are.Only follow people who you know.

The creator of this guide has not included tools