How to start your bbq without firelighters fast and easy
Ever been to BBQ and there is no firelighters? Well don't panic rip off your shirt and use that :)) no use this Guide + a lot of people prefer not to use firelighters as thy contain harmful chemicals
Step one locate the BBQ Step two keep your shirt on Step three look like you know what you are doing (very important step)
News paper works best but any paper will do
Roll in to little balls making sure there tight
Make lots of the the secret is thy must be tight as this makes them burn slow
Tomato crate
Brake in to pieces
Ok once you have your news paper balls start by placing small pieces of the wood on
Keep going and get bigger pieces on
And bigger
Now get the big ones off the crate
When it looks like this your well on your way
Have your charcoal ready
Take a piece of the crate and light it
Put the grill on
Now for the interesting part pot the charcoal on to of the fire this utilizes all the heat from the start getting the charcoal burning faster
Looking good
Very little smoke and everyone is impressed by now
Put the grill back on
And there you have it
Use a steel brush to clean a bit or check out my guide in using an onion to clean your BBQ grill
Use some news paper to get some of black stuff off
Like this
Ready and you look like a pro
BBQ time enjoy
- Wooden tomato crate
- Charcoal
- News Paper
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