How to start a fire in a wood burning stove

Start a Fire in a Wood Burning Stove


Make sure your flue is open. It's a door in the top of the oven. If its not open, smoke will exit via the door into your room.

Make sure your flue is open. It's a door in the top of the oven. If its not open, smoke will exit via the door into your room.

Get matches, kindling and some wadded up paper.

Get matches, kindling and some wadded up paper.

Build a small teepee of paper and kindling.

Build a small teepee of paper and kindling.

Light the paper around the edges.

Light the paper around the edges.

If it's smoking it's still lit but you need more oxygen. Blow as forcefully as possible (without blowing ash everywhere) into the base of the structure.

If it's smoking it's still lit but you need more oxygen. Blow as forcefully as possible (without blowing ash everywhere) into the base of the structure.

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