How to sprout lentils......why it is essential

Lentils are a source protein but they lack two essential amino acids, However, sprouting lentils will contribute to the addition of these 2 amino acids.. Hence, lentils become a complete protein.


Also Sprouting lentils is helpful for those who have have difficulty digesting legumes. It causes some of the starches to be converted to simple sugars, making it easier to digest and much healthier

Soak the lentils for 12-18 hrs.

Soak the lentils for 12-18 hrs.

Strain them

Strain them

Put them in a kitchen towel

Put them in a kitchen towel

Fold it. Refrigerate and 48 hrs later

Fold it. Refrigerate and 48 hrs later

You have the sprouted lentils. Make a salad or cook.

  • 250.0g Golden Lentils
  • You can use any color I suppose