How to spot fake adidas superstar's

Spot Fake Adidas Superstar's


Adidas shoe boxes feature a label on the one. Check that the style (ART) and PO (#) numbers match those found on the label inside the shoe.

Adidas shoe boxes feature a label on the one. Check that the style (ART) and PO (#) numbers match those found on the label inside the shoe.

Superstars OG's have the classic rubber shell toe box. Note how the shell toe box is a separate piece of rubber to the rest of the outsole.

Superstars OG's have the classic rubber shell toe box. Note how the shell toe box is a separate piece of rubber to the rest of the outsole.

From the inside of the shoe you can see how the perforate holes that run between the 3 side stripes are cleanly cut right through the leather upper with no rough edges.

From the inside of the shoe you can see how the perforate holes that run between the 3 side stripes are cleanly cut right through the leather upper with no rough edges.

Checkout the full 24 point step-by-step guide on

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