How to spot a genuine polo by ralph lauren shirt
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Polo by Ralph Lauren collar labels feature the name logo, and sometimes also include the polo player logo. Check the stitching matches the colour of the shirt, or is a defaultnavy blue.
A Polo by Ralph Lauren shirt features a size label usually to the right side of the main collar label. Stitching will be evenly spaced and very neatly finished.
The polo player logo is positioned perfectly upright with a very clean finish.
Check the polo player logo very carefully. The rider is identifiable from the horse, and the horses reins, tail and ears are all visible.
Polo by Ralph Lauren shirts feature opaque pearl and cross-stitched usually with matching thread. There should be no loose ends.
Polo by Ralph Lauren shirts feature very neatly cut and finished button holes.
The back hemline of a Polo by Ralph Lauren shirt should be slightly longer than the front.
Polo by Ralph Lauren shirts feature a variety of care labels. All labels though will have evenly spaced copy, will feature a registered trademark R, and be stitched neatly to the shirt.
Often underneath the care label is another label detailing supplier information.
Usually 2x spare buttons are supplied, one large, one small. Often located just above the care label they are the same opaque pearl colour as those found on the front of the shirt.
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