How to s'mores eclairs

S'mores Eclairs


1. In a sauce pan ad the butter, water and salt over medium heat and bring the mixture into a boil.

1. In a sauce pan ad the butter, water and salt over medium heat and bring the mixture into a boil.

2. As soon as the mixture has boiled, reduce the heat to medium low and add in the flour, and mix thoroughly until it forms into a dough.

2. As soon as the mixture has boiled, reduce the heat to medium low and add in the flour, and mix thoroughly until it forms into a dough.

3. Then, let the mixture cool and crack the eggs in one at a time, being sure to mix each egg thoroughly before adding the next.

3. Then, let the mixture cool and crack the eggs in one at a time, being sure to mix each egg thoroughly before adding the next.

4. Once the dough has been mixed well, scoop it in a piping bag.

4. Once the dough has been mixed well, scoop it in a piping bag.

5. Then take your pan and grease it with butter.

5. Then take your pan and grease it with butter.

6. Cut a 2.5cm hole at the tip of the piping bag, then pipe the dough on the tray into 2-3 inch logs. Smooth out any peaks with a wet finger and egg wash them.

6. Cut a 2.5cm hole at the tip of the piping bag, then pipe the dough on the tray into 2-3 inch logs. Smooth out any peaks with a wet finger and egg wash them.

7. Take your trays and put it in a oven for 10 minutes at 425\u00b0F, then without opening the oven reduce the heat to 350\u00b0F and bake for an additional 15 minutes.

7. Take your trays and put it in a oven for 10 minutes at 425°F, then without opening the oven reduce the heat to 350°F and bake for an additional 15 minutes.

8. Take a piping bag and fill it with marshmallow fluff.

8. Take a piping bag and fill it with marshmallow fluff.

9. Remove the eclairs from the oven and using something sharp to poke a hole at the bottom or the side of the eclair and fill it with marshmallow fluff.

9. Remove the eclairs from the oven and using something sharp to poke a hole at the bottom or the side of the eclair and fill it with marshmallow fluff.

10. Then melt some chocolate in a bowl and dip the top side of the eclairs in it.

10. Then melt some chocolate in a bowl and dip the top side of the eclairs in it.

11. Add marshmallows for decoration and you could also add graham cracker crumbs to it, and your done!

11. Add marshmallows for decoration and you could also add graham cracker crumbs to it, and your done!

  • 250.0ml Water
  • 1.0pch Sugar
  • 1.0pch Salt
  • 100.0g Butter
  • 125.0g Strong flour
  • 4.0part Eggs