How to smile & make delicious turkish pancakes "gözleme"

Smile & Make Delicious Turkish Pancakes "Gözleme"


Find a cosy place where you want to make your pancake. I chose this small street-restaurant in #Canakkale, #Turkey.

Find a cosy place where you want to make your pancake. I chose this small street-restaurant in #Canakkale, #Turkey.

Get to know your employees - also even though you don't speak their language - and remember to smile.

Get to know your employees - also even though you don't speak their language - and remember to smile.

Dough: Mix warm water, dry yeast, salt and sugar. Cover. Stand warm for 5 min. Add flour. Add oil. Turn dough onto surface. Knead. Cut into 4. Place on baking tray. Cover. Stand for 20 minutes. Smile.

While your dough is having a rest: watch and laugh about a young man trying to learn how the pancake business is going... Go then back to your dear dough... Smile...

While your dough is having a rest: watch and laugh about a young man trying to learn how the pancake business is going... Go then back to your dear dough... Smile...

Look after how the locals are doing it. Give them a clap on their shoulder. Go to your own pancake, roll, add to it what you find yummy (Cheese and parsley, beef, nutella) Fold it. Close it. Smile.

Look after how the locals are doing it. Give them a clap on their shoulder. Go to your own pancake, roll, add to it what you find yummy (Cheese and parsley, beef, nutella) Fold it. Close it. Smile.

Place your little lovely baby on a dry pan at a medium high heat and grab something cold to drink - now it's getting HOT. Dup your lover with some slightly salted butter and turn it around, baby ;)

Place your little lovely baby on a dry pan at a medium high heat and grab something cold to drink - now it's getting HOT. Dup your lover with some slightly salted butter and turn it around, baby ;)

When it's golden brown on each side: take it off the heat, but be careful not to drop it on the floor - all worlds food lovers would cry if that happened. Place it on a plate instead. U r almost done.

When it's golden brown on each side: take it off the heat, but be careful not to drop it on the floor - all worlds food lovers would cry if that happened. Place it on a plate instead. U r almost done.

Get someone - who are good at smiling - to serve it for you. Smile back!

Get someone - who are good at smiling - to serve it for you. Smile back!

Have an intense look at your result. Bad decoration. But a g\u00f6zleme isn't actually beautiful. It's all about the taste. This baby w/ ground beef, coriander, parsley, chili, tomatoes, onions & cheese.

Have an intense look at your result. Bad decoration. But a gözleme isn't actually beautiful. It's all about the taste. This baby w/ ground beef, coriander, parsley, chili, tomatoes, onions & cheese.

Take a photo of the boss in front of his shop. That will make him so happy and proud. Beautiful. Tell them to say "g\u00f6\u00f6\u00f6zleme" and capture their smiles.

Take a photo of the boss in front of his shop. That will make him so happy and proud. Beautiful. Tell them to say "gööözleme" and capture their smiles.

Take a last photo with the boss and his youngest son. Smile. And promise to tell the whole world about their place. Eat one more G\u00f6zleme before you say goodbye... Enjoy your life.

Take a last photo with the boss and his youngest son. Smile. And promise to tell the whole world about their place. Eat one more Gözleme before you say goodbye... Enjoy your life.

  • 300.0ml Water
  • 3.0c Plain flour
  • 1/3c Oil (olive oil for savory)
  • 8.0g sachet instant dried yeast
  • 1.0pch Salt
  • 1.0tsp Caster sugar
  • 100.0g Fresh Parsley
  • 1.0bnch Fresh Coriander
  • 200.0g Ground beef (cooked) mix with your favorite spices
  • 200.0g Feta cheese
  • 100.0c Smiles :)