How to slap (bass)
A short lesson on how to learn the slap technique on a 4-string bass
First, Make sure your bass is tuned...The standard tuning for a 4-string bass is E A D G ( E being the thickest string or the top one if you will).
This would be the proper starting position for a slap riff
Slapping consists of 2 steps: The slap(thumb) and the pluck(index or other).
For the slap:
To get the resonating sound you should extend your thumb like so(only in the beggining) and the joint of your thumb should hit the string
Like so:)
To proparly use your thumb you should practice on hitting the E string and making it resonate each time. Like so:
For the pluck:
Your index(or prefered finger) should be placed under the string (but not to much) and will be moved in a upwards direction:)
To practice your pluck place both your third and index finger respectively under the G and D strings and pluck!Like so:
Now put the together!!
That was a short slap lesson! Thanks for watching:) ( and yes i know i do a weired thing with my mouth when i play-_-)
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