How to sing better

Sing Better


Tip #1: Drink a lot of water! Water helps thin the mucus in your throat and helps it come out more clearly🌊

Tip#2: Stand or sit up straight. Slouching just isn't good for your posture and it will help your voice come out a little more loudly.🎤🎼

Tip#3: Don't strain your voice! If a note is too high or too low, don't try to reach it because it will do damage to your vocal chords. If you would like to expand your vocal range, get some lessons🎵

(Continued from previous slide) They do a lot to help your voice. I have had a few lessons and I can already see a difference. I will put up a guide on some vocal exercises soon.🎧

Tip#4: Don't let anybody get you down! If they don't think you are good, don't worry about it! You will definitely get better if you practice. I've been singing for a few years and I've improved a lot

In the next slide, I will be singing.Please ignore weird faces and if I mess up the lyrics, so sorry. Comment on how I did! Enjoy!🎶

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