How to sign up for

Sign Up for


Download from your app store.

Download from your app store.

You will need: Email or facebook or your  Phone number, age, a username and a password.

You will need: Email or facebook or your Phone number, age, a username and a password.

This will come up if you click on email (etc) First enter your email address. Then a suitable  username and a password that you can remember. Remember don't tell anyone your password!

This will come up if you click on email (etc) First enter your email address. Then a suitable username and a password that you can remember. Remember don't tell anyone your password!

Once you have signed in to your account do straight to settings and always hide your location info! it is also a good idea to have a private account at first.

Once you have signed in to your account do straight to settings and always hide your location info! it is also a good idea to have a private account at first.

A private account simply means that you will receive a follow request when someone tries to follow you. You can either accept this or decline this request.

You can either post your which means only the people who follow you can see it if your account is private. If you save private this means no one else can see them except you.

You can either post your which means only the people who follow you can see it if your account is private. If you save private this means no one else can see them except you.

To follow friends and others simply click the follow button and you will be following that person.

To follow friends and others simply click the follow button and you will be following that person.

Directly simply is a way to chat to others on  Turn your privacy settings on for diectly otherwise anyone can message you, even if you have a private account.

Directly simply is a way to chat to others on Turn your privacy settings on for diectly otherwise anyone can message you, even if you have a private account.

After checking and securing- then you can start the fun stuff! pick you favorite song and create an epic video to it!

After checking and securing- then you can start the fun stuff! pick you favorite song and create an epic video to it!

If your ever feel upset or offended by someone block them straight away and then tell your adult! then you can report the person to the h-q and they will sort out your problem.

If your ever feel upset or offended by someone block them straight away and then tell your adult! then you can report the person to the h-q and they will sort out your problem.

Stay safe, have fun, make cool videos and enjoy it!

Stay safe, have fun, make cool videos and enjoy it!

The creator of this guide has not included tools