How to shoot like klay thompson

Shoot Like Klay Thompson


Step:1 Place your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees so  you get more power in your shot.

Step:1 Place your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees so you get more power in your shot.

 Step:2 Once you are balanced make your elbow an L shape make sure your elbow isn't sticking out. Balance the ball on your finger tips, place your non-shooting hand on the other side of the ball.

Step:2 Once you are balanced make your elbow an L shape make sure your elbow isn't sticking out. Balance the ball on your finger tips, place your non-shooting hand on the other side of the ball.

Step:3 Jump strait up wards and start to take your weaker hand off of the ball and make you arm from an L to an I. Once the ball is released reach your hand up like you are reaching in a cookie jar.

Step:3 Jump strait up wards and start to take your weaker hand off of the ball and make you arm from an L to an I. Once the ball is released reach your hand up like you are reaching in a cookie jar.

Step:4 When you are reaching your hand into the imaginary cookie jar you should land in a similar place you jumped from.

Step:4 When you are reaching your hand into the imaginary cookie jar you should land in a similar place you jumped from.

After you follow these steps you will be an all star shooter just like Klay Thompson.

  • 1.0 Basketball
  • 1.0 10 foot basketball net
  • 1.0 pair of swag shoes