How to shelf a fiction book

Shelf a Fiction Book


Hello, I'm Sam, I will be showing you how to shelve a fiction book. Today, I will be using the books: The Lightning Thief, Gideon, and The Hunger Games.

Hello, I'm Sam, I will be showing you how to shelve a fiction book. Today, I will be using the books: The Lightning Thief, Gideon, and The Hunger Games.

First, look at the white label with three letters located on it on the spine of the book and find the first letter of the label (they are the first three letters in the author's last name).

First, look at the white label with three letters located on it on the spine of the book and find the first letter of the label (they are the first three letters in the author's last name).

Second, go to the section of the library where the first letter on the white label is located. In this case, the Bs,...

Second, go to the section of the library where the first letter on the white label is located. In this case, the Bs,...



and Rs.

and Rs.

Third, find the book's place in that letter section by shelving alphabetically by the letters on the white label (the words "the", "a",  and "an" do not count).

Third, find the book's place in that letter section by shelving alphabetically by the letters on the white label (the words "the", "a", and "an" do not count).

Place the book on the shelf between the books before and after it in alphabetical order.

Place the book on the shelf between the books before and after it in alphabetical order.

Next, I will show you some special cases in shelving.

Next, I will show you some special cases in shelving.

If the books label is identical to another book,...

If the books label is identical to another book,...

...then shelve alphabetically by the full authors' last names because the white label is only the first three letters of their last names.

...then shelve alphabetically by the full authors' last names because the white label is only the first three letters of their last names.

If two different authors have the same last name,...

If two different authors have the same last name,...

...then shelve alphabetically by the first name of the different authors.

...then shelve alphabetically by the first name of the different authors.

If it is the same author,...

If it is the same author,...

...then shelve alphabetically by the title of the book.

...then shelve alphabetically by the title of the book.

In a series, alphabetical order does not count. Go in the order of the series.

In a series, alphabetical order does not count. Go in the order of the series.

Now you know how to shelve a fiction book!

Now you know how to shelve a fiction book!

  • A fiction book to shelf