How to sew a fleece neck warmer/gaiter

quick and easy steps to make a fleece neckwarmer using your sewing machine


Start by folding your 1/2 yard longwise with the right sides together. Cut 22-24 inches depending on head size. My head was 21 inches-so I cut 24. You should be able to make 2 neckwarmers

Start by folding your 1/2 yard longwise with the right sides together. Cut 22-24 inches depending on head size. My head was 21 inches-so I cut 24. You should be able to make 2 neckwarmers

Set your machine to a small width zigzag with a longer stitch length. I used  a 2 width and a 4 length on my Brother. Other machines may vary. I also used a walking foot. I don't pin because I am lazy

Set your machine to a small width zigzag with a longer stitch length. I used a 2 width and a 4 length on my Brother. Other machines may vary. I also used a walking foot. I don't pin because I am lazy

Now slip your hand inside and grab and edge. Pull half way through.

Now slip your hand inside and grab and edge. Pull half way through.

You should see the right sides coming together inside like this

You should see the right sides coming together inside like this

arghh, okay my pic is not great! But now you can see right sides together and the seams lined up

arghh, okay my pic is not great! But now you can see right sides together and the seams lined up

Drop in your machine, and using the same small zig zag-stitch it up. Don't get crazy though... read the next step before you start!

Drop in your machine, and using the same small zig zag-stitch it up. Don't get crazy though... read the next step before you start!

Before you meet up with the other end, you are going to leave a 2.5 to 3 inch hole. Oh and while your at it do a little backstitch at the beginning and end

Before you meet up with the other end, you are going to leave a 2.5 to 3 inch hole. Oh and while your at it do a little backstitch at the beginning and end

Now, just push that baby back out through the hole revealing the right side out!

Now, just push that baby back out through the hole revealing the right side out!

Press the edges together and stick it in that machine again

Press the edges together and stick it in that machine again

I used just a straight stitch 2.5 length on my Brother Machine

I used just a straight stitch 2.5 length on my Brother Machine

When you fold it again, you can just roll that seam to the inside and voila!

When you fold it again, you can just roll that seam to the inside and voila!

You have a toasty customized neck warmer! Denise

You have a toasty customized neck warmer! Denise

  • Sewing Machine
  • 1/2yd Strech Fleece
  • Scissors
  • needle and tread-optional