How to set up a medtronic pump site

Set Up a Medtronic Pump Site


All supplies needed

All supplies needed

1) disconnect pump from body then push act and go to reservoir+pump set up and push act then push act again to rewind the pump so you are ready to begin the set up

1) disconnect pump from body then push act and go to reservoir+pump set up and push act then push act again to rewind the pump so you are ready to begin the set up

Clean off insulin bottle with alcohol wipe

Clean off insulin bottle with alcohol wipe

Fill the reservoir up with the equal amount of air compared to the amount of insulin that is needed

Fill the reservoir up with the equal amount of air compared to the amount of insulin that is needed

Now push all the air into the bottle and slowly pull back the syringe until the reservoir is completely full then you gently hit the reservoir until all air bubbles are out

Now push all the air into the bottle and slowly pull back the syringe until the reservoir is completely full then you gently hit the reservoir until all air bubbles are out

Next open the site and begin to connect the hose to the reservoir

Next open the site and begin to connect the hose to the reservoir

Like so..

Like so..

Next prime set and make sure there are no air bubbles in tubbing

Next prime set and make sure there are no air bubbles in tubbing

Next clean skin and insert site! For me my hip is the most comfortable! But after the skin is dry and site has been inserted fill cannula to make sure everything is working!

Next clean skin and insert site! For me my hip is the most comfortable! But after the skin is dry and site has been inserted fill cannula to make sure everything is working!

And now its done! Hope this helped

And now its done! Hope this helped

  • Medtronic pump
  • Medtonic reservoir
  • Medtronic sure T site
  • 2 alcohol wipes and 1 I.V. prep wipe
  • Bottle of insulin