Make sure the gas tap is off because it will start to smell but you will need to turn these on later
Get the funnel,circle shaped,small bowl, fire mat which is not in the picture, Bunsen burner, glass cup
Plug the Bunsen burner in but still don't tern the gas tap on yet
Poor the sea water in the glass cup by using a funnel and circle shaped paper
Now it should be clear like this
Now poor it in the bowl on the stand and then...
Turn the gas tap on get a splint and put it over the Bunsen Burner and the put it on the blue flame not the safety flame because it won't burn as quick
Now wait
Make sure the gas tap is plugged in properly and keep an eye on the bowl
Wait until it starts bubbling and then wait a bit more
Wait more
Now the water is boiling away into steam keep waiting be patient
It will turn into crystals and wait until.....
Then quickly turn the safety flame on and turn the gas tap off
There you have it crystals.
Thanks for following
See u later By James Wilson
The creator of this guide has not included tools
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