How to scan qr codes

How to read those black and white squares (Phone image from


Ever wondered what you do with one of these?

Well you need a smartphone first - any one as long as you can get apps for it.

Well you need a smartphone first - any one as long as you can get apps for it.

Also known as reader or decoder.

Also known as reader or decoder.

It may be a link to a website, start a video, display contact details, add an event to your calendar, send coupons amongst others.  3G/Wi-Fi may be required for some actions.

It may be a link to a website, start a video, display contact details, add an event to your calendar, send coupons amongst others. 3G/Wi-Fi may be required for some actions.

Try this if it is not reading the code. Give the camera time to focus before trying a different distance or angle.

Try this if it is not reading the code. Give the camera time to focus before trying a different distance or angle.

If you feel anything is missing or can be improved, please let me know. Thank you

If you feel anything is missing or can be improved, please let me know. Thank you

  • 1.0 Smart Phone
  • 1.0 QR code reader app - most are free
  • An Internet connection dependant on QR content