How to save the ozone layer

Save the Ozone Layer


CFC comes from aerosol cans

CFC comes from aerosol cans

CFC hurts the ozone layer

CFC hurts the ozone layer

The ozone layer protects us from UV

The ozone layer protects us from UV

CFC also comes from fridges

CFC also comes from fridges

The ozone layer is a shield to earth and protects us

The ozone layer is a shield to earth and protects us

One time the ozone layer got a hole inside him

One time the ozone layer got a hole inside him

If UV gets to earth, it's not a good thing...

If UV gets to earth, it's not a good thing...

UV comes from the sun.

UV comes from the sun.

If UV reaches us, people will get skin cancer

If UV reaches us, people will get skin cancer

Skin cancer does not have a cure.

Skin cancer does not have a cure.

In 1987, the government banned CFC's.

In 1987, the government banned CFC's.

Since then, the ozone hole started to disappear since 2006

Since then, the ozone hole started to disappear since 2006

And CFC's were dead and forgotten by then.

And CFC's were dead and forgotten by then.

Scientists predict that by 2070, the ozone hole will disappear.

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