How to save a broken cigarette

Simple way to save your broken cigarette!!


Oops! Cigarettes tend to break easely. ( this one got broken in my pocket )

Oops! Cigarettes tend to break easely. ( this one got broken in my pocket )

No worries. You can fix it easely

As u see, take out some of leaves from the filter part.

As u see, take out some of leaves from the filter part.

Now, with the other part make the end cornical by pinching it.

Now, with the other part make the end cornical by pinching it.

Just stick it in!!!!  Turning it slowly n gently might help.

Just stick it in!!!! Turning it slowly n gently might help.

Do the same for other part!

Do the same for other part!

This is how much leaves i waisted. Its not bad huh??

This is how much leaves i waisted. Its not bad huh??

  • Broken cigarette