How to sakusaku panda diy japanese candy kit-tiramisu
SakuSaku Panda DIY Japanese Candy Kit-Tiramisu
Saku Saku Panda Strawberry Shortcake and Tiramisu DIY Japanese Candy Kit-Make Panda Cookies
Entire Contents: Panda Mold Tray--PINK Bag-Strawberry Shortcake "chocolate" pieces--BLUE Bag-Panda Cookies--BROWN Bag-Tiramisu "chocolate" pieces--White Melting Trays--Display Bags and Sticker Seals
Panda Mold Tray-They all have different cute little faces
Strawberry Shortcake "chocolate" Panda Pieces and Melting Tray
Tiramisu "chocolate" Panda Pieces and Melting Tray
Panda face cookies
Display Bags and Sticker seals
Enjoy these little faces because ****wait for it***** you have to melt them!!!!
Cutie Pies
Put the panda "chocolates" in their Melting Trays
Put in microwave-I just put mine for 1 minute and watch very close-Stop every 15 seconds to see if melted-Get a little spoon to stir to check
Ding*** done-cute little pandas all gone-But! We shall convert them into pandas once again! Wait a second-we melt pandas to turn them back into pandas? -hmmm interesting.
Use small spoon to scoop the chocolate into the tray mold-You will have leftover
After all molds are filled, place the cookies on top -Face up-You will have extra cookies too
Should look like this
This is what I did with my leftover chocolate and cookies-I used a mold from the Coris squid Kit to make squid chocolates and topped my leftover cookies with leftover cream before it hardened
Put in refrigerator for 1 hour
After 1 hour remove tray from Refrigerator
Turn tray upside down-Cookies pop out very easily
How cute are you lil pandas!!
Look at these adorable bags!! Now take a bag and share with your neighbor *^~^*
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
Cutie Pie Kawaii
Japanese Candy Fanatic! Love it so much, I started my own store, Cutie Pie Kawaii. We have largest selection of Japanese Candy & DIY Kits in US-
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