How to roast pork rashers in bourbon-apple puree

Roast Pork Rashers in Bourbon-Apple Puree


Lets begin with the puree. Start by dicing a yellow onion and place it straight into a pot. Cook for a minute or 2 without oil. I want the onions to cook without coloring at this stage.

Lets begin with the puree. Start by dicing a yellow onion and place it straight into a pot. Cook for a minute or 2 without oil. I want the onions to cook without coloring at this stage.

Now add some butter.

Now add some butter.

Continue cooking and stirring. When the onion looks like it is about to caramalise - add 1/8 cups of water and stir.

Continue cooking and stirring. When the onion looks like it is about to caramalise - add 1/8 cups of water and stir.

Cook till water evaporates and the smell of raw onion is no more.

Cook till water evaporates and the smell of raw onion is no more.

Now introduce either mustard powder or grained mustard, some diced garlic, a pinch of salt and a tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes.

Now introduce either mustard powder or grained mustard, some diced garlic, a pinch of salt and a tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes.

Now add a grated green apple, 2 tbsp dark brown sugar and 1/4 glass bourbon.

Now add a grated green apple, 2 tbsp dark brown sugar and 1/4 glass bourbon.

Mix well and cook for 4-5 minutes. Switch off flame and allow the mixture to cool a little.

Mix well and cook for 4-5 minutes. Switch off flame and allow the mixture to cool a little.

Now this is the fresh pork rashers.

Now this is the fresh pork rashers.

I line them skin side up on the chopping board and sprinkle some salt. Using a sharp cleaver cut the rashers to bite size pieces.

I line them skin side up on the chopping board and sprinkle some salt. Using a sharp cleaver cut the rashers to bite size pieces.

In a tight snug fitting deep baking dish- place the onion and apple puree. Now place the pork rashes skin side up. Allow the pork to marinade for 30 minutes to an hour.

In a tight snug fitting deep baking dish- place the onion and apple puree. Now place the pork rashes skin side up. Allow the pork to marinade for 30 minutes to an hour.

Place the dish in a 130C oven for 1.5 hours - Covering it with al foil.

Place the dish in a 130C oven for 1.5 hours - Covering it with al foil.

After 1.5 hours- crank the heat up to 210C and remove the al oil. Keep a close eye on the crackle- Within 10-15 minutes it should crackle up nicely.

After 1.5 hours- crank the heat up to 210C and remove the al oil. Keep a close eye on the crackle- Within 10-15 minutes it should crackle up nicely.

The top portion looks good - you probably allow the pork to continue roasting for another 5 minutes for a crispier crackle.

The top portion looks good - you probably allow the pork to continue roasting for another 5 minutes for a crispier crackle.

Once the pork is well cooked, remove from oven. I like serving the pork rashers on a rocket or arugula. You can use any other salad leaves and a spoon of the bourbon-apple puree. Bon Apetite.

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients