How to ride a dirt bike

Ride a Dirt Bike


how to use a a clutch and start to start by using a clutch you need to hold the lever on your left and slowly let it out while giving it gas

how to use the front brake... to use the front brake you will find it on your right side will you jest need to pull it in

to use the bake brake you will find it on the right side right by your foot peg and you need to push it down and at the same time as puling in your clutch

how to put your helmet on to put your helmet on two strap hols and you put it through both then one.

this ceps you safe

this ceps you safe

the bake brake

the bake brake

how to use the gear shifter to use a shifter you will find it on the right side and you put it up to go fast but it will not be as pwerful

the gear shifter

the gear shifter

  • 1.0 helmet
  • 1.0 chest protector
  • 1.0 knee pads
  • 1.0 dirt bike pants
  • 1.0 jersey
  • 1.0 a dirt bike