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Everything that the current flows through restricts how much current it will let through. This is called electrical resistance. It is often likened to water flowing through different size pipes.

A battery is two or more cells working together, Materials that don’t conduct electricity are called electrical insulators and include plastic and wood.

An electric current is a flow of electrons that go round and round the circuit. The electrons carry a charge of energy which is transferred in bulbs, motors and bells as other forms of energy.

Current is how many electrons move past a point in every second, and is measured in Amperes or Amps (A) and is measured using an ammeter.

A potential difference across an electrical component is the difference in energy either side of the component and is needed to make a current flow in it.

Potential difference' is also known as voltage and can also be described a gradient, or a pressure, or a push that pushes the current round the circuit

Potential difference is measured in volts (V). Potential difference across a component in a circuit is measured using a voltmeter. The voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the component

Everything that the current flows through restricts how much current it will let through. This is called electrical resistance.It is often likened to water flowing through different size pipes.

Wires generally offer fairly low resistance, but you can increase that resistance by making the wires longer or thinner.All electrical components resist the flow of current.

the more the current is forced to slow down (so becomes less), which means it has to lose some of the energy it is carrying. This energy is transferred as heat or kinetic energy in the components.

A series circuit is a circuit that has just one loop. It is a complete circle. If you follow the circuit round you can only go one way.Circuits are always drawn as straight lines right angle corners.

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