How to reuse candle jars

Reuse Candle Jars


most of our candle jars are left empty, why not reuse them for something beneficial?

most of our candle jars are left empty, why not reuse them for something beneficial?

what you'll need is: candle jar glue gun + scissors bowl + boiler yarn + tape (additional decoration is up to you!)

what you'll need is: candle jar glue gun + scissors bowl + boiler yarn + tape (additional decoration is up to you!)

how the melted candle will look like

how the melted candle will look like

take off the sticker then wash the jar and dry it out

take off the sticker then wash the jar and dry it out

put a glue drop on the edge of your jar

put a glue drop on the edge of your jar

take a thread of a yarn and press it on the glue drop (be careful, its hot!)

take a thread of a yarn and press it on the glue drop (be careful, its hot!)

add glue drop on the jar then press the final thread on it

add glue drop on the jar then press the final thread on it

for decoration, we will glue half a circle shape on the thread part

for decoration, we will glue half a circle shape on the thread part

then add a button and press it for few seconds

then add a button and press it for few seconds

your buttons storage is ready!

your buttons storage is ready!

The creator of this guide has not included tools