How to reshape your glutes while improving flexibility

This is a great series that will make you feel the burn. Start with 15 reps of each exercise. Try to keep your core active by staying neutral and bracing your abdominals. Use exhales to activate TVA


1. Top Leg Lift- Lie on side and support head with arm, hand or pillow.  Make sure you have a neutral posture and your body is parallel to the edge of the mat.

1. Top Leg Lift- Lie on side and support head with arm, hand or pillow. Make sure you have a neutral posture and your body is parallel to the edge of the mat.

2. Top Leg Lift - Pointing  toes lift top leg hip height or as high as you can without rotating hip outwards. ( Focus on knee cap facing straight ahead throughout the lift).

2. Top Leg Lift - Pointing toes lift top leg hip height or as high as you can without rotating hip outwards. ( Focus on knee cap facing straight ahead throughout the lift).

3. Top Leg Lift - Maintain lift of the leg while you flex your top ankle making sure all five toes reach forward. Keep abdominals strong and try to only use your fingertips for balance.

3. Top Leg Lift - Maintain lift of the leg while you flex your top ankle making sure all five toes reach forward. Keep abdominals strong and try to only use your fingertips for balance.

4. Top Leg Lift - While keeping ankle flexed lower leg down till it is just hovering above your bottom leg.

4. Top Leg Lift - While keeping ankle flexed lower leg down till it is just hovering above your bottom leg.

1. Meet and Lower-     Flex ankle and lift  top leg hip height or as high as you can without rotating hip outwards. ( Focus on knee cap facing straight ahead throughout the lift).

1. Meet and Lower- Flex ankle and lift top leg hip height or as high as you can without rotating hip outwards. ( Focus on knee cap facing straight ahead throughout the lift).

2. Meet and Lower-  Engage  abdominals and lift bottom leg to meet Top leg. ( do not worry if they don't touch focus on thigh to thigh not foot to foot).

2. Meet and Lower- Engage abdominals and lift bottom leg to meet Top leg. ( do not worry if they don't touch focus on thigh to thigh not foot to foot).

3. Meet and Lower-   Keeping both legs close together lower both legs back to starting position

3. Meet and Lower- Keeping both legs close together lower both legs back to starting position

1. Lateral Flexion-  Start on side head resting on arm.  Hips stacked and body neutral and parallel to edge of mat.

1. Lateral Flexion- Start on side head resting on arm. Hips stacked and body neutral and parallel to edge of mat.

2.  Lateral Flexion- using glutes, abdominals and lats lift legs and torso simultaneously  creating a side bend through the torso.

2. Lateral Flexion- using glutes, abdominals and lats lift legs and torso simultaneously creating a side bend through the torso.

3. Lateral Flexion-  Lower torso and legs with control to the start position.

3. Lateral Flexion- Lower torso and legs with control to the start position.

1. Lateral Rotation and Hip Abduction-  Lie on side with knees bent at 90 degrees . Top leg parallel to mat.

1. Lateral Rotation and Hip Abduction- Lie on side with knees bent at 90 degrees . Top leg parallel to mat.

2. Lateral Rotation and Hip Abduction-Reach leg back as if you were a dog at a fire hydrant.  Keep bottom leg pushing down for stability. Keep hips stacked. Ankle and knee should move together.

2. Lateral Rotation and Hip Abduction-Reach leg back as if you were a dog at a fire hydrant. Keep bottom leg pushing down for stability. Keep hips stacked. Ankle and knee should move together.

1. Internal Rotation- Lie on side with knees bent at 90 degrees . Top leg parallel to mat.

1. Internal Rotation- Lie on side with knees bent at 90 degrees . Top leg parallel to mat.

2. Internal rotation- Rotate rop hip inward moving the top knee to bottom knee. Repeat

2. Internal rotation- Rotate rop hip inward moving the top knee to bottom knee. Repeat

1. Top Leg Knee Extension. Lie on side with knees bent at 90 degrees . Top leg parallel to mat. Hand testing on thigh.

1. Top Leg Knee Extension. Lie on side with knees bent at 90 degrees . Top leg parallel to mat. Hand testing on thigh.

2. Top Leg Knee Extension- extend top knee keeping top thigh hovering above bottom thigh.

2. Top Leg Knee Extension- extend top knee keeping top thigh hovering above bottom thigh.

3. Top Leg Knee Extension- return to start maintaing lift of top leg. (Back should not flex during movement).

3. Top Leg Knee Extension- return to start maintaing lift of top leg. (Back should not flex during movement).

1. Single Leg Kick- lying in side legs long top hovering parallel to mat.

1. Single Leg Kick- lying in side legs long top hovering parallel to mat.

2. Single Leg Kick- Kick ( with control) top leg forward only to where you can your spine neutral.

2. Single Leg Kick- Kick ( with control) top leg forward only to where you can your spine neutral.

3. Single Leg Kick- once you are as far as you can kick while keeping back neutral kick a little further allowing a small amount if lumbar flexion.

3. Single Leg Kick- once you are as far as you can kick while keeping back neutral kick a little further allowing a small amount if lumbar flexion.

4. Single Leg Kick- Kick your top leg back and try to reach it past bottom leg.

4. Single Leg Kick- Kick your top leg back and try to reach it past bottom leg.

1.Single Leg Kick w/ hamstring stretch. Same as Single Leg Kick just start with bottom leg reaching forward. Bring it as close to hip height but only kicking as far as you can keep spine neutral.

1.Single Leg Kick w/ hamstring stretch. Same as Single Leg Kick just start with bottom leg reaching forward. Bring it as close to hip height but only kicking as far as you can keep spine neutral.

2.Single Leg Kick w/ hamstring. Kick top leg back while pushing bottom leg down and still.

2.Single Leg Kick w/ hamstring. Kick top leg back while pushing bottom leg down and still.

3..Single Leg Kick w/ hamstring. Kick leg back to start. Repeat.

3..Single Leg Kick w/ hamstring. Kick leg back to start. Repeat.

1. Single Leg Kick With Circle.  Start in side lying table top. Make sure hips and shoulders stacked.

1. Single Leg Kick With Circle. Start in side lying table top. Make sure hips and shoulders stacked.

2. Single Leg Kick With Circle.  Extend right knee trying not to let top thigh move upward.

2. Single Leg Kick With Circle. Extend right knee trying not to let top thigh move upward.

3. Single Leg Kick With Circle.  Keeping top leg straight draw the leg straight up to ceiling. Turn hip outward as you lift top hip will move back a little.

3. Single Leg Kick With Circle. Keeping top leg straight draw the leg straight up to ceiling. Turn hip outward as you lift top hip will move back a little.

4. Single Leg Kick With Circle.  Start to lower leg reaching it to bottom of mat.

4. Single Leg Kick With Circle. Start to lower leg reaching it to bottom of mat.

5. Single Leg Kick With Circle.  Lower leg so it is hovering above mat rotate leg to parallel.

5. Single Leg Kick With Circle. Lower leg so it is hovering above mat rotate leg to parallel.

6. Single Leg Kick With Circle.  Bend top knee returning to start. Repeat

6. Single Leg Kick With Circle. Bend top knee returning to start. Repeat

  • Mat
  • Determination