How to replace a ceiling fan and light control switch

This is how to replace a 3 wire wall switch. Independent control for light and fan


The slider for the light, broke on my switch

The slider for the light, broke on my switch

A quick trip to Home Depot and I picked up a replacement. It's important to note, this is not a dual dimmer switch, this is made for independent fan and light control

A quick trip to Home Depot and I picked up a replacement. It's important to note, this is not a dual dimmer switch, this is made for independent fan and light control

Ended up getting this one, ran about $24

Ended up getting this one, ran about $24

Killed the power, from the breaker, in the room I was replacing the switch in

Killed the power, from the breaker, in the room I was replacing the switch in

Removed the wall plate

Removed the wall plate

Then the switch and gently coaxed the wires out and straightened them up

Then the switch and gently coaxed the wires out and straightened them up

I replaced one wire at a time, as they are the same colors.  Tightened them back together

I replaced one wire at a time, as they are the same colors. Tightened them back together

All wired up, ready for a test before I put it all back together

All wired up, ready for a test before I put it all back together

Turned the power on and everything worked fine. Put it all back together.

  • Flat head screwdriver
  • Switch