How to repaint your old-dusty gundam model w/ airspray
Repaint Your Old-Dusty Gundam Model W/ Airspray
Prepare your old and dusty gunpla. Siapkan gunpla lama lo!
Ready your airspray paint. Siapin juga cat semprot dlm berbagai warna.
Don't forget your masker. Jgn lupa pake masker ya!
Take couple sheets of paper. Such as your old news paper. Ambil kertas bekas. Bekas pulsa juga ga papa deh!
Dismantle your gunpla to possible pieces. Don't break anything! Pisah2 kan gunpla lo ke potongan yg dimungkinkan.
Re-paint every possible part with their own color or make a new one. Cat ulang bagian2 yg perlu dgn warna asli. Atau kalau mau, pake warna lain juga boleh.
Re-assembly your gunpla when the paint is dry enough. And put a glossy paint to furnish it. Pasang lagi gunpla setelah cat kering. Lalu cat lg pake cat glossy.
Tada!!! Your Gunpla is ready to rock your shelf again. Selesai!!!
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