How to remove wax spills from fabric

Using just an iron and a paper grocery bag, you can quickly remove spilled wax from nearly any fabric without damaging the fabric.


Egads, a candle dripped on my bag (skirt/pants/whatever)! However will I eradicate this parrafin stain?

Egads, a candle dripped on my bag (skirt/pants/whatever)! However will I eradicate this parrafin stain?

Elementary, my dears. Simply gather a few household objects: a common paper grocery bag, a pair of scissors, and an iron (set to a high-ish temperature).

Elementary, my dears. Simply gather a few household objects: a common paper grocery bag, a pair of scissors, and an iron (set to a high-ish temperature).

Then, apply the scissors to the paper bag, like so.

Then, apply the scissors to the paper bag, like so.

It's best if you trim the bag into pieces that lay flat.

It's best if you trim the bag into pieces that lay flat.

Lay the paper over the fabric and apply the iron for 2-3 seconds at a time. For most wax spills, that's all you need for each part of the stain. The paper absorbs the wax.

Lay the paper over the fabric and apply the iron for 2-3 seconds at a time. For most wax spills, that's all you need for each part of the stain. The paper absorbs the wax.

See? Paper grabs wax from fabric.

See? Paper grabs wax from fabric.

Rotate the paper and apply the iron (over the paper) to different parts of the wax spill (2-3 seconds each time), until all the wax is all absorbed.

Rotate the paper and apply the iron (over the paper) to different parts of the wax spill (2-3 seconds each time), until all the wax is all absorbed.

Et voila! Wax on, wax off.

Et voila! Wax on, wax off.

  • Brown paper bag
  • Iron
  • Ironing board
  • Scissors