How to reinforce word choice for writing.

Reinforce Word Choice for Writing.


Print out four basic words; one word per sheet.

Print out four basic words; one word per sheet.

Each group gets a word and a colored pencil. One student will write and one student will run the paper to the next group when time is up.

The goal of the group is to think of synonyms or phrases for the word on the paper. The writer has to jot down the ideas quickly in the time given. Round 1 = :30. Increase each round by 15 seconds.

When time is up, the runner takes the word to the next group. Repeat the process, but this time the group cannot repeat anything that is written on the paper (in different colors).

When time is up, the runner takes the word to the next group. Repeat the process, but this time the group cannot repeat anything that is written on the paper (in different colors).

When all the rounds are finished, have students star words that standout and check words that didn't fit with the main word.

Ideas to continue the importance of word choice is to write something with the starred and checked words. Use the words to play Charades. Use the words in a comic strip or other creative writing.

  • 4.0 Sheets of paper with a word printed on it.
  • 4.0 Colored pencils
  • Timer
  • Students in four groups