How to refurbish an old pair of shoes

Refurbish an Old Pair of Shoes


I used an old pair of vinyl dress shoes. I would avoid using anything made from natural/cloth fabrics The spray paint would just absorb right in. On plastic or vinyl it dries and has a nice finish.

Assemble the materials.

Assemble the materials.

I started by taping along the soles

I started by taping along the soles

The more thorough and precise you are with the tape, the better and cleaner the finished product will look.

The more thorough and precise you are with the tape, the better and cleaner the finished product will look.

Tape along the areas you want to paint. Do your best to make it even.

Tape along the areas you want to paint. Do your best to make it even.

Using paper or newspaper, cover up the shoes to prevent spray back.

Using paper or newspaper, cover up the shoes to prevent spray back.

Its important to spray paint in an open area with good air flow. Also where you won't make a mess.

Its important to spray paint in an open area with good air flow. Also where you won't make a mess.

Apply a lite coat of paint and let dry.

Apply a lite coat of paint and let dry.

I waited about 20 minutes in between coats.

I waited about 20 minutes in between coats.

To avoid runs and drips in the spray paint, apply lite even coats.

To avoid runs and drips in the spray paint, apply lite even coats.

To get a solid, even, glossy, fully covered effect with the colour. I had to do about 15 coats of paint.

To get a solid, even, glossy, fully covered effect with the colour. I had to do about 15 coats of paint.

I left my shoes outside to air out (spray paint has a strong odor) fully dry and allow the spray paint to set up.

I left my shoes outside to air out (spray paint has a strong odor) fully dry and allow the spray paint to set up.

Carefully peel away the tape and paper. Side note: you might have a little leakage. So I took a utility knife and carefully scraped away any excess paint. LOOK HOW SHINY!

  • A pair of shoes. (Vinyl or plastic)
  • Spray paint (bright bold color)
  • Green painters tape
  • Paper or news paper.