How to reduce dirty parts of juicemaker while juicing

Useful tip for fresh juice lovers which saves your time.


The only magic thing you need is a plastic bag which fits the catch basket. Put one into the basket with the brims outside. Fix it.

The only magic thing you need is a plastic bag which fits the catch basket. Put one into the basket with the brims outside. Fix it.

Assemble the device as usual and start juicing.

Assemble the device as usual and start juicing.

When reassembled you can see that all the waste is thrown away into the plastic bag. You can clean the other parts of the juicer with hands  putting the pulp which has stuck onto them inside the bag.

When reassembled you can see that all the waste is thrown away into the plastic bag. You can clean the other parts of the juicer with hands putting the pulp which has stuck onto them inside the bag.

When all the upper parts of juicer are removed you can easily take out the plastic bag with the wasted pulp inside.

When all the upper parts of juicer are removed you can easily take out the plastic bag with the wasted pulp inside.

The catch basket is absolutely clean, the waste could now be thrown away or stored in a bag for the following usage.

  • Plastic bag