How to recreate those scuffed dress shoes
About to toss those scuffed heals you love and paid the price for? Wait! Try this.
Supplies for my chosen shoe. Glue gun, glue stick, gems, shoes and flower bunch. Pluck the flowers off the bunch to glue on later. Not all petals are equal (2's /4's)choose the ones you like best.
Toe scuff on my unwearable high heel. If your scuff is another spot no worries this can still work on another area :) (These heels had no flowers on them initially. They were plain brown heels.)
Before doing any gluing, place the flower petals where you might want them to be. See how they look and how many you may need.
Begin gluing the first layer. Notice I flattened it onto my scuffed area so the petals will not move.
Glue the back of the next petal and press onto the shoe. Glue the petal portion if you want them to flatten against the shoe or glue the center only to allow 3D petal movement.
Add the next layer, slightly tilted next to the second or criss cross them like a four petal flower.
For the 4 petal flower, I glue the middle only so the petals will be loose. Unlike the first two layers which I chose to flatten against the shoe to curve with the shoe.
Add extras as needed in the size needed. Here I halved a double petal to cover the bottom layer a bit better. Whatever you do...copy it on the other shoe to create a mirror image and symmetry.
Here is where I added the half piece.
Final petal placement. If you do not like something or you see that the two shoes are not exactly symmetrical; the flower petals can be pulled off and re-glued to make adjustments.
Next select a center piece.
Glue in place.
Done! Vwallah! :) Wear again and enjoy!
- 1.0 Glue gun
- 1.0 Glue stick
- 1.0bnch Fake flowers of your preference
- 2.0 Bead, gem, stone or center for flower
- 1.0 Scuffed shoes
Yvonne Hall
A stay at home mom of two who loves to save time on home care and spend it on fun with my family.
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