How to recover



Recovering from so,etching that takes up your life isn't easy and is something that you must put your mind to. You have to go in alone and face the reality of things

Recovering from so,etching that takes up your life isn't easy and is something that you must put your mind to. You have to go in alone and face the reality of things

The person needs to accept that they are defeated and cannot beat their habit. If they don't than their situation will never get better and they will not learn from their past mistakes.

After the individual accepts that they can't beat their addiction, they will feel helpless. But once they believe they could be helped they will overcome it.

The individual needs to make a decision to turn their own will, and their lives over to the care of God.

The individual needs to search and find themselves. They have to know who they are as a person before they can get try to get better and solve their issues.

The individual needs to admit that they have a problem. They have to face what they have done wrong because anything kept hidden will prevent the individual from getting better.

The person must be able to forger their old ways and move on. The help of God is going to be a big factor because he will forgive you from everything that you have done wrong.

The recovering must ask God for his forgiveness. God will help you if you ask for help but it's crucial to try and put an effort into getting that forgiveness.

Remember all of the people in your life that have done no good and try to make amends. Make a list and contact them to get rid of any past bad blood.

Only make amends with people that will accept your offer. If it's only going to cause more problems with a specific person avoid making things better. They don't need more things to be mad about.

Continue to take initiative moves with other people and yourself. We are all human and we are bound to make more mistakes.

Get through God with private prayer and meditation. The individual must try and live an ethical life. Pray for the knowledge of God and try to carry that out with you when times get hard.

Don't take these steps as a joke. You have to be serious about wanting to help yourself get better. You are the in,y person responsible for your own doings.

You don't want to end up back here. Don't take any of the steps lightly no matter how extreme or difficult they are.

You don't want to end up back here. Don't take any of the steps lightly no matter how extreme or difficult they are.

Listen to what he's saying

Listen to what he's saying

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