How to read your palm!

Read Your Palm!


For females, the right hand is what you are born with, and the left is what you have accumulated throughout your life. For males, it is the opposite.

Pick a palm to read!

Pick a palm to read!

Line 1 = the Heart line.  Line 2 = the Head line. Line 3 = The life line.

Line 1 = the Heart line. Line 2 = the Head line. Line 3 = The life line.

Some people may have a forth line, which is the fate line, but I dont have one, so I can't show you!

First, let's interpret the heart line!

First, let's interpret the heart line!

The next few pages are how to read your heart line. If it begins below the index finger, you are content with love life. If it begins below the middle finger, you are selfish when it comes to love.

If it begins between the two, you fall in love easily. If it is straight and short, you are less interested in romance. If it touches your life line, your heart is broken easily!

If it's long and curvy, u freely express your emotions and feelings. If it is straight and parallel to the head line, u handle emotions well. If the line is broken, you will have an emotional trauma.

If it's wavy, u will have many lovers, but no serious relationships. If there is a circle on the line, it means your sad, or depressed. Smaller lines crossing through also means an emotional trauma.

Now let's examine the head line!

Now let's examine the head line!

If the line is short, you prefer physical achievements over mental ones. If it is curved, you prefer creativity. If its separated from the life line, you love adventure, and have enthusiasm for life!

If your line is wavy, you have a short attention span. If it's a deep, long line, you are clear and focused. If its straight, you think realistically. A broken line means inconsistencies in thought.

Crosses in the head line mean an emotional crisis is on its way! However, multiple crosses through the head line mean you make momentous desisions!

Now let's evaluate the life line!

Now let's evaluate the life line!

If it runs close to your thumb, you are often tired. However, if it's curvy, you have plenty of energy! Long and deep means vitality, but short and shallow means you are manipulated my others.

If the line swoops around in a semi-circle, you have strength and enthusiasm! If the line is straight and close to the edge of the palm, you are cautious when it comes to relationships.

Multiple life lines mean extra vitality! A circle in the line indicates that at some point your will be hospitalized or injured. A break in the line indicates a sudden change in lifestyle.

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