How to read your bible

Read Your Bible


The Importance of the Land Canaan comes in the Old Testament. The word 'Canaan' comes from a Greek word. Important Land of Canaan was the promised land to Abraham in the bible that shows gods faith.

This is the Bible Timeline of all the events that have happened throughout the Bible.

This is the Bible Timeline of all the events that have happened throughout the Bible.

Old Testament Libary

Old Testament Libary

The Old Testament Library tells all the books in the Old Testament and puts it all into the right section into which it comes under. For Example, Exodus comes under Law which you will see in the photo

When you get the bible and you open it you will get the content. Lets say I want to look up John which is 7:11. Find the Chapter 7 and then look up in the left or right corner and numbers are there.

The Biblical translations is Languages that came from the bible. The key translations were Ancient Greek,Latin, and English.

This is the Language Translations of the Bible

This is the Language Translations of the Bible

In the Bible,Gospels are in it, so now,we will go over New Testament Gospels like Matthew,Mark,Luke and John.

The New Testament Gospel Matthew was written before 70 A.D. Matthew was the first Gospel in the New Testament. The author who wrote Matthew was Christian Bishop Papias of Hierapolis.

Mark, Mark was the second gosple written after Mathhe in the old testament. Mathhew was written before 70 A.D like Mathhew. Mark was written in Greek for a Different Audience.

Luke, Luke was the 3 written in the Bible after Mark. Luke was written in the same A.D as Matthew and Mark which was 70 A.D. Luke was written for Gentile Audience. Luke was written from Saint Luke.

John, John was the last gosple from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. John was written after 70 A.D. He was written from Author only Identified from disciple that Jesus loves. He was written for love.

These are The four Gosple

These are The four Gosple

  • Bible
  • Map of the Old Testament (Can be on a Device)
  • Bible Language Translator