This is the Biblical timeline outlines some of the key events in through the Bible.
The Old Testament map shows many important places.Canaan was named "promised land" as it was promised to Abraham after he showed his faith to God.Canaan was a land bridge and an important trade route.
The Land of Canaan was a trade route, which in ancient times served as the only way to travel between Egypt and Mesopotamia since travelling through the desert was almost impossible and impractical.
While at first you may see it as a book it is actually a library of many books. It has a vast amount of knowledge in it that can be perceived in many ways. Even after reading a book multiple times.
Problems that might have occurred when the Bible was translated were that when people passed a story on it was changed. There would've been issues translating words from one language to another.
The problem with translating words from one language to another and was the lack of some words. For example Aramaic might not have a word than can perfectly or decently translate into Ancient Greek.
"the Bible is inspired" means God inspired the authors of the Bible to inspire other people by writing the Bible to reveal the plan of salvation. The Bible invites people into a relationship with God.
The Catholic understanding of the "truth" in relation to the Bible is that in every single story in the Bible there will be a message or a moral at the end of it.
A type of story in the Bible is a myth which tries to explain the creation of our universe in a profound way like in Genesis. In which Genesis explains how God created everything on Earth.
Matthew was written by St Matthew. It was written for a community that retained a strong Jewish identity and was written between 80 - 90 A.D.
Mark was written by St Mark and was written to reflect the teaching of Peter who was the bishop of Rome. It was written in 70 A.D.
Luke was written by St Luke and was written to have a special emphasis on Christians who were not Jewish but Gentiles. It was written in 80-90 A.D.
John was written by St John and was written to reflect. It is an accord not influenced by deep thinking about Jesus' life.
Problems that existed were there weren't words in one language but there were in another so they had to use similar words. Another problem was when it was passed on orally it would've changed slightly
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