This is a map of the cities Old Testament. There are 3 major empires, who if they wanted to attack each other, would have to travel through the land of Canaan or through desert.
The Bible is often referred to as a library. This means that certain books are grouped together due to key events or times. The Bible is made up of 66 books with 11 sections they're grouped into.
Key information explained. Q7: God inspired people to write the Bible to get a better understanding of Him.
Key information explained. Q8: The truth of the Bible explains the truth of God and his plan of salvation for all of us.
The four gospels were written by the Apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The time span of the gospels date very early on in our history and it is estimated they were done before the year 70AD.
The four Gospels were written for different religions , all with different beliefs, whilst they were being made but are now all aimed at Christians.
The Bible has been translated into 4 different languages. This has created some issues due to words having different meanings in different languages. This may have lead to some misinterpretation.
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