How to read you bible

Read You Bible

11 Steps
TOOLSThe creator of this guide has not included tools

Timeline of the bible

Timeline of the bible

Bible is a libary

Bible is a libary

Map of the Old testament

Map of the Old testament

Promised by God, the land of Canaan was a land of milk and honey free of slavery. The Israelites Waited for 400 years until Moses lead them through the Red Sea into their promised land.

The contents section of the bible is where to find page numbers for the book name. The first and second numbers after the name are first for the chapter and then second for the verse.

Answers to question 7 and 8 7. The bible was inspired by Jesus and all the things he did 8. The bible has its own way of telling a story by showing a meaning in the story

When Jesus healed the blind man, my first thought was that the old man could not see but I learned that the blind man could be blind in other ways.

Mark-70AD Matthew-80-90 Luke-80-90 John-95