How to read the bible!

Read the Bible!


Key events in the Bible.

Key events in the Bible.

The map of the Old Testament, the land of Canaan.

The map of the Old Testament, the land of Canaan.

All the books in the Bible

All the books in the Bible

The bible is inspired and has Happened, but they have cropped bits out here and there so they let out what they want.

The truth behind the bible is that the only let out half of what happened and left the other half to be forgotten and ignored.

A myth Is something to tell someone with only a bit of the truth and not letting the other person understand the Truth and the False.

The New Testament was made by a lot of scribes and people with information, it was written from 70 AD to 95 AD. They were written for the followers and believers of God

A big problem with the bible was the traditions and languages. Like from Armanoc to Greek then to Latin and last English and this had to happen over more then 10 years.

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