How to read the bible

Read the Bible


Importance of the land of Canaan...

Importance of the land of Canaan...

Timeline of key events...

Timeline of key events...

This is the bible as a library. The bible is many books (stories) as one small library.

This is the bible as a library. The bible is many books (stories) as one small library.

One type of story is a myth. An example of a myth is the story of Noah's Ark.

The bible is inspired by Jesus' actions.

The bible is not entirely true it is more stories and poems that have a meaning or a teaching.

Mathew= AD 80-90 Jewish community mark= AD70 for Peter Luke= AD 80-90 for people who were not Jewish John= AD 95 for Jesus

Transitions of the bible.

Transitions of the bible.

  • Bible