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To read or split a PDF file in Google Chrome browser, first open a new tab in the Chrome  browser.

To read or split a PDF file in Google Chrome browser, first open a new tab in the Chrome browser.

Drag and drop the PDF file from your system into the new tab of Google Chrome. Now PDF file would open in the Chrome browser.

Drag and drop the PDF file from your system into the new tab of Google Chrome. Now PDF file would open in the Chrome browser.

Select the Printer icon from upper left corner of the opened PDF file.

Select the Printer icon from upper left corner of the opened PDF file.

To split PDF file, add page numbers in the text Box below "Page\u201d option. e.g; if you want to divide PDF file containing 4 pages into 2 parts, then enter the page number in the text Box as \u201d1-2,3-4\u201d.

To split PDF file, add page numbers in the text Box below "Page” option. e.g; if you want to divide PDF file containing 4 pages into 2 parts, then enter the page number in the text Box as ”1-2,3-4”.

To save the PDF file select \u201cchange\u201d button under the destination options.

To save the PDF file select “change” button under the destination options.

Another dialogue box would appear, select  \u201cSave As PDF\u201d option under "Local destination\u201d. Afterwards, select the \u201cSave\u201d button under \u201cPrint\u201d options.

Another dialogue box would appear, select “Save As PDF” option under "Local destination”. Afterwards, select the “Save” button under “Print” options.

Chrome does not provide options to convert files into PDF & if users have to convert different formats into PDF then they have to use a PDF converter tool(

Chrome does not provide options to convert files into PDF & if users have to convert different formats into PDF then they have to use a PDF converter tool(

The creator of this guide has not included tools