How to quickly use a coin cell battery in breadboard

A quick trick for those times when all you need is a small coin cell battery for a project (battery backup for Real Time Clock for instance)


Gather some breakaway headers and a battery in this case a cr1225 type. Snap off 2 pins of the header and pinch the + and GND between those pins.

Straight headers tend to hold a bit better but the right angle work fine too. If its needs to be more rigid the battery can be soldered as well.

Straight headers tend to hold a bit better but the right angle work fine too. If its needs to be more rigid the battery can be soldered as well.

Almost 3volts! A simple way to add that battery backup when needed in a pinch!

Almost 3volts! A simple way to add that battery backup when needed in a pinch!

  • Breadboard friendly header
  • Coin cell battery