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How to quick and easy 'chinese fried rice' using quinoa

Quick and Easy 'Chinese Fried Rice' Using Quinoa


Prepare ingredients

Prepare ingredients

Rinse quinoa in strainer and let water drain

Rinse quinoa in strainer and let water drain

Cook it! Seasoning optional.

Cook it! Seasoning optional.

Cut up onions and bacon.

Cut up onions and bacon.

Fry bacon. Add onions. Then add eggs. (You're going for a scrambled egg here) Fry to your desired preference then add quinoa. Add a bit of soy sauce if you wish. And enjoy!

Usually this recipe is made with rice. I didn't have any so I improvised with quinoa. Really easy and yummy. Hope you enjoy.

  • 1.0c Quinoa
  • 2.0 Green onions
  • 2.0 Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Soy sauce