How to put your puppy in a kennel without a struggle

Put Your Puppy in a Kennel Without a Struggle


Cooper is the first dog to need kennel training in our home! He also did not like the kennel unless he was sleeping. He is extremely food motivated. I don't think I've found anything he won't eat!

Cooper is the first dog to need kennel training in our home! He also did not like the kennel unless he was sleeping. He is extremely food motivated. I don't think I've found anything he won't eat!

Unfortunately mama has school. Lots and LOTS of school.

Unfortunately mama has school. Lots and LOTS of school.

The question. How does mama put poor neglected😕 Cooper in his kennel without having the entire neighborhood hear him scream while mama drives away? Yes, he's that loud. Maybe not loud but piercing!

These are his favorite treats. The Kong frozen with peanut butter, frozen carrot chunks, frozen apple slices and his bones. Even after he's chewed all of the meat off he still loves them.

These are his favorite treats. The Kong frozen with peanut butter, frozen carrot chunks, frozen apple slices and his bones. Even after he's chewed all of the meat off he still loves them.

Choose a word. I've chosen "nite nite". Yeah I know. Cheesy. 😊 What can I say, I don't have kids so he gets all my love! Oh yeah. I love you hubby!

Say your chosen word as you lead him to the kennel with his treat. Once he's in he gets it and won't care that you're leaving. 😒Ingrate. Don't forget the praise!

Make sure it's a treat that will last! There's no point if he hears you still going for your keys when he's done with it.

He's only 6 months old but I think we're doing ok training wise. Mama doesn't have to feel guilty for going to school and Cooper gets his afternoon nap. It's a win-win!

I hope this helps!

  • Puppy
  • Kennel
  • Favorite treat that will last a while