How to put your hair into a perfect bun without a sockbun

Ever wondered how to put your hair in a perfect bun w/o a sockbun? Well now u can with a few easy steps!!


Make sure your hair has no tangles & is completely brushed.

Make sure your hair has no tangles & is completely brushed.

Put it up in a nice neat ponytail.

Put it up in a nice neat ponytail.

Twist it to the end.

Twist it to the end.

Twist it up in a circle.

Twist it up in a circle.

Bring the extra lose piece through the circle of your hair.

Bring the extra lose piece through the circle of your hair.

Bring that extra lose piece under the edges of circle.

Now use the extra ponytail to tie your hair up together.

Now use the extra ponytail to tie your hair up together.

This should be your ending look.

As you can tell, I'm new at this with you. So don't worry if you don't get it the first time. Just keep practicing & you'll eventually catch on quickly.

  • Hands
  • Hair
  • 2 Ponytails/hairbands