How to put together a child's fort

Put Together a Child's Fort


Freak out, because that's a lot of wood and no amount of "wood" jokes is going to get it made.

Freak out, because that's a lot of wood and no amount of "wood" jokes is going to get it made.

Sort the wood by sizes. It makes it a ton easier.

Sort the wood by sizes. It makes it a ton easier.

Admire your handwork, but alas you are no where near done. However, you will feel better showing off these small pieces.

Admire your handwork, but alas you are no where near done. However, you will feel better showing off these small pieces.

Ladder, nope, rockwall, yep!

Ladder, nope, rockwall, yep!

Choose your beverage to  cool off with. This is essential.

Choose your beverage to cool off with. This is essential.

Or take a detour to the snow cone stand.

Or take a detour to the snow cone stand.

Put the fort together by making sure the platform is together.

Put the fort together by making sure the platform is together.

It doesn't hurt to do a load test with your little  one.

It doesn't hurt to do a load test with your little one.

Add table to the fort.

Add table to the fort.

Add bench to the fort.

Add bench to the fort.

Add handrails

Add handrails

While it might say that you can do this in eight hours, there is little to no way. Prepare for two days to do this project.

Give an odd face in disgust because well you still have much to do.

Give an odd face in disgust because well you still have much to do.

Add ladder to fort

Add ladder to fort

Add swing to fort

Add swing to fort

Make sure that you aren't on  a stud when you make the first hole.

Make sure that you aren't on a stud when you make the first hole.

Put on canopy

Put on canopy

And the under canopy

And the under canopy

Put brace across on by bolting it to the fort

Put brace across on by bolting it to the fort

Add on swings.

Add on swings.



Child testing. Approved.

  • Hammer
  • Drill attachments
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Ladder
  • Tape measure