How to put the elastic in a maxi skirt

Put the Elastic in a Maxi Skirt


So the previous post I did on how o make a maxi skirt. I could not show you how I made it step by step because I had already stitched the skirt long ago So this is guide showing how to put the elastic

This is how the finished elastic looks like.

This is how the finished elastic looks like.

I've just used a random piece of cloth here, assume this is your skirts end where you are going to put the elastic.

I've just used a random piece of cloth here, assume this is your skirts end where you are going to put the elastic.

I've used a ribbon here for the elastic. Because I'm out of elastic right now :p assume this is your elastic and take it around your waist and measure.

I've used a ribbon here for the elastic. Because I'm out of elastic right now :p assume this is your elastic and take it around your waist and measure.

Slightly stretch the elastic while doing this. Remember not too much. And snip it .

Slightly stretch the elastic while doing this. Remember not too much. And snip it .

Now keep your elastic on your skirts end.

Now keep your elastic on your skirts end.

And fold it inwards.

And fold it inwards.

Fold it so the elastic has enough space to fit it.

Fold it so the elastic has enough space to fit it.

Add like 2-3 millimetre because you need to stitch also.

Add like 2-3 millimetre because you need to stitch also.

Mark the point.

Mark the point.

And fold the entire waistline like that, you can pin it up so it will be easy to stich.

And fold the entire waistline like that, you can pin it up so it will be easy to stich.

Fold the entire waist line like this.

Fold the entire waist line like this.

And stitch where you can see the blue chalk marks. Sew along the dotted line. Remember this fold is on the wrong side of the skirt. Also leave a little gap to put the elastic in.

And stitch where you can see the blue chalk marks. Sew along the dotted line. Remember this fold is on the wrong side of the skirt. Also leave a little gap to put the elastic in.

Next, attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic.

Next, attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic.

And put it through the place you had left un stitched.

And put it through the place you had left un stitched.

Start threading in the elastic.

Start threading in the elastic.

Remove the elastic from the other end. Hold together and stitch.

Remove the elastic from the other end. Hold together and stitch.

Overlap both the elastic ends by an inch.

Overlap both the elastic ends by an inch.

Like this, and stitch. To secure the elastic

Like this, and stitch. To secure the elastic

Next, close the Un stitched part. And your done!

The creator of this guide has not included tools